Colorado Brain Injury Lawyers

We Help Brain Injury Victims in Colorado


Brain injury cases are often complex, especially if you can recover compensation from more than one defendant. That’s why it’s important to work with an experienced team of brain injury attorneys in Colorado. Strong Law has a 98 percent win rate for our clients in injury cases, and we’re here to help you, too.

Car accidents, slip and fall accidents, and some crimes, such as kidnapping and battery, can all cause traumatic brain injuries. Hitting your head can cause as much damage to your brain as a penetrating injury, such as that caused by a bullet or a piece of metal from your car. Depending on the type of traumatic brain injury you have, you could become permanently disabled. The person who caused the accident or incident should pay for your injuries and other damages.

Get the compensation you deserve in your Colorado brain injury case. If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury, contact our office at 206-737-2997 today to schedule a free case evaluation.

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Types of Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injury is one of the most common causes of long-term disabilities and death. The term traumatic brain injury, sometimes referred to as TBI, encompasses several types of injuries to the brain. Even a mild concussion is considered a traumatic brain injury.

Doctors divide brain injuries into two major types: closed and penetrating. In a closed brain injury, the damage is caused by shaking or the rapid movement of the brain inside the head. For example, if you crash your car at 70 mph into a large piece of construction equipment, the vehicle will stop immediately. However, your brain matter will continue moving forward until it hits your skull. In that situation, it will most likely bounce from the front to the rear of your skull several times, significantly bruising your brain or causing other damage.

A penetrating brain injury is when something breaks the skull. A piece of bone could penetrate the brain, or the bullet from a gun could penetrate the brain.

Brain injuries can also be primary or secondary. A primary brain injury is one that happens at the time of the incident — for example, in a car accident. A secondary brain injury can take hours or days to manifest. It usually happens after the primary brain injury and includes chemical, cellular, blood vessel, and/or tissue changes, usually over time. These changes are set off by the primary brain injury and cause further degradation of the brain.

Our Colorado brain injury lawyers understand how serious injuries can impact your ability to carry on your life as you did before your accident. You can depend on our experience and our proven record of winning cases for our clients. Get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Call our team today at 206-737-2997.

Effects of Brain Injuries

In some cases, you can recover from a mild brain injury with no long-lasting effects if you have the proper medical attention. In other cases, you might need lifelong medical care, including rehabilitation. The effects of brain injury include:

  • Cognitive issues, including confusion, comas, problems with your memory, loss of the ability to comprehend abstract concepts, decreased awareness, losing sense of time, having trouble solving problems, losing the ability to comprehend more than one or two commands at a time, and a decrease in judgment.
  • Motor issues, including paralysis, poor balance, weakness, tremors, loss of endurance, spasticity, issues with swallowing, loss of coordination, and the inability to plan motor movements.
  • Sensory issues, including vision problems, changes in all five senses, having too much sensation or losing sensation in body parts, losing track of where your limbs are, and poor right-side or left-side coordination.
  • Communication issues, including difficulty understanding someone, difficulty speaking, not being able to find the right word, forgetting how to do everyday things, such as brushing your teeth, forgetting what common items are called, difficulty with reading and/or writing, and forgetting how to do math.
  • Functional issues, such as the inability to do daily acts, such as getting dressed and bathing, impaired ability to do daily acts, the inability to organize things, and forgetting how to drive a car.
  • Social issues, such as not being able to make or keep friends, having difficulty understanding and/or responding to social interactions, and being unable to function in a relationship, whether with family or with friends.
  • Regulatory issues, such as being tired all the time, getting dizzy, having headaches, changes in your eating habits, changes in your sleeping patterns, and loss of control of your bladder or bowels.
  • Personality changes, such as irritability, apathy, decreased or no motivation, anxiety, aggression, depression, emotional liability, and getting frustrated easier than usual.

Some brain injuries could also cause epilepsy, whether grand mal or petit mal seizures. The seizures could start immediately after a brain injury or could surface years later.

The Cost of a Colorado Brain Injury Attorney

When you have a brain injury, you are most likely out of work and are more worried about providing for your family instead of paying for an attorney. When you work with our brain injury lawyers in Colorado, you do not have to pay anything upfront. Your initial case evaluation is free, as are our services. If we do not win your case, you do not pay for our services.

Instead, we handle the hassle of negotiating with the insurance company so you can concentrate on recovering. If the defendant’s insurance company does not offer a fair and reasonable settlement, we will also handle filing a lawsuit against the defendant and his or her insurance company. We just want you to concentrate on getting better.

Why It’s Important to Have a Lawyer When You Work with Insurance Companies

Some people prefer to attempt settlement negotiations without using a Colorado brain injury lawyer. We do not recommend that for several reasons. The biggest reason is that insurance companies know they can take advantage of the average layperson because he or she is not familiar with personal injury law.

Insurance companies are in business to make a profit. Every claim they pay out means less profit for them. Thus, they will try anything to deny your case. Their favorite tactic is to twist what you tell them in an attempt to place the blame for the accident on you. They deny claims or offer just enough to make people “go away” more often than not. Insurance companies also know that they cannot get away with doing this when you retain an attorney.

They also know that experienced Colorado brain injury attorneys know how much medical expenses are likely to be for a brain injury, so insurance companies are less likely to offer an extremely low settlement when an attorney works on your settlement negotiations. However, some insurance companies will still try to low-ball you, even with an attorney.

Another reason you should work with an experienced Colorado brain injury lawyer is that more than one person might be liable for your injuries and other damages. For example, in a car accident, a truck might have crashed into you, but another passenger vehicle could have cut the truck off. In such a case, you could recover from both parties, depending on the circumstances.

When the defendant is a commercial defendant, such as a delivery person or a truck driver, you could also recover damages from the driver’s employer, the truck mechanic, a third-party dispatcher, the person or entity who loaded the truck, inspectors, and more.

In any type of accident, if a defective part on a vehicle caused an accident, you could recover compensation from the part manufacturer or even the vehicle manufacturer, depending on the circumstances.

In slip and fall accidents, the person who owns the property might not be the only person liable for your injuries. A renter, a maintenance company, or others could share in the responsibility.

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"I would definitely recommend them."
Lindsey - Washington

“Very professional, and treated me as an equal.”

Just wanted to say thank you to Jed and his team at Strong Law. Not only was I happy with the outcome, but the entire process as a whole. I would definitely recommend this firm to anyone. Thanks again.

Nick S

“Unbelievable work!”

I had a claim involving my own insurance company. I tried to negotiate with them, and they completely denied my claim – two times. I then hired Strong Law, and the change was instant. The insurance company immediately began negotiating, and Jed was able to secure an unbelievably good settlement. I will never again attempt to take-on an insurance company without Strong Law in my corner. Thank you!”

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“I hired Strong Law after my car accident. Jed and his team worked hard on my case. They were professional and compassionate through my surgery and as I recovered, and they were awesome on communication. I got justice and awesome compensation. I would recommend Strong Law to anyone in my situation.”

Rick R.

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Recoverable Damages in a Colorado Brain Injury Case

After an accident or incident that causes a brain injury, you can recover damages from the person or entity who caused your injuries. The law allows you to recover two types of damages: Compensatory damages and punitive damages. The law allows for two types of compensatory damages, and both are meant to make you whole again: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages in a Colorado Brain Injury Case

Special damages, often referred to as economic damages, have a monetary value. These are expenses that you and your insurance company pay out of pocket. You can use your vehicle insurance and/or your health insurance to cover medical expenses until you get a settlement or a trial award. In many cases, both types of insurance companies will ask you to reimburse them out of your settlement. Economic damages include:

Medical Expenses

You can recover any medical expenses that you pay out of pocket. Your insurance company could request reimbursement out of your settlement since the defendant should cover these costs. Medical expenses include costs for surgeries, doctors’ appointments, various therapy appointments, ambulatory aids and prescriptions.

You can also recover costs for retrofitting your vehicle with hand controls if a car accident, traumatic brain injury, or another incident caused you to lose the use of your legs. Medical expenses also include the changes you have to make to your home to accommodate your injuries, including wheelchair ramps, grab bars, and making wider doors.

When collecting medical expenses, you can recover compensation for the time you missed from work, from the time of the incident through the time you settle or win a trial award. Additionally, your Colorado brain injury lawyer will work with experts to determine the approximate costs of future medical expenses. Part of your settlement or trial award is for these future expenses if needed.

Personal Property

You can also recover compensation for any personal property destroyed or damaged in the accident or incident. If you were in a car accident and are working with car accident lawyers, you could recover compensation to pay for repairs or the replacement of your vehicle and anything of value damaged in your vehicle, such as cell phones, computers and clothing.

Lost Wages and Lost Earning Capacity

Even a minor concussion is a traumatic brain injury. However, chances are you can go back to work in a few days. However, most people who suffer from traumatic brain injuries have severe concussions, penetrating brain injuries, or other brain injuries that prevent them from working right after the accident and in the future.

You can recover lost wages from the time of the accident or incident through the time you settle or win a trial award. If your doctors believe that your brain injury caused a long-term or permanent disability, you could also recover compensation for lost earning capacity.

Our brain injury attorney in Colorado, will determine how much money you might have been able to earn until your retirement had you not suffered from a brain injury and will ask for the money in the settlement or trial award.

After-Life Expenses

Sometimes traumatic brain injuries cause the death of a loved one. If your loved one died at the accident scene or later because of a traumatic brain injury, his or her estate could recover funeral expenses, burial expenses, cremation expenses, and certain other expenses, such as probate court filing fees.

Non-Economic Damages

General damages, often referred to as non-economic damages, do not have a monetary value because you cannot place a dollar amount on pain and suffering and other losses. Non-economic damages our Colorado brain injury lawyers can pursue include:

  • Pain and suffering, including emotional distress. If you lose a loved one because of a brain injury, the deceased’s estate could cover emotional distress for the spouse and minor children.
  • Loss of quality of life. Severe and catastrophic injuries usually require lifestyle changes, not only for you, but for your family. If you have to take prescriptions or use ambulatory aids for the rest of your life, or if you have to make other life changes, you could recover compensation for loss of quality of life.
  • Loss of use of a body part or a bodily function. If a traumatic brain injury or other accident injury causes the inability to use a limb, digit, your eyesight, or other body part or bodily function, you could recover additional compensation.
  • Loss of companionship. If you can no longer enjoy spending time with your family or take part in family outings and events, you could recover compensation for loss of companionship.
  • Loss of consortium. In some cases, a traumatic brain injury could prevent you from having an emotional and physical relationship with your spouse.
  • Inconvenience. You should not have to pay someone to do the chores you normally do. If your brain injury prevents you from mowing the yard, going to the grocery store, cleaning your house, or doing home repairs and maintenance, you could recover extra compensation to use to pay those you have to hire.

Additionally, if doctors have to amputate a limb or digit, or if you become disfigured or have excessive scarring because of an accident, you could recover additional compensation. While the money doesn’t remove your disabilities or bring back a loved one, it does significantly reduce the financial stress you are put under because of your injuries.

Punitive Damages

The court orders punitive damages in a brain injury case only if you can show that the defendant’s actions were grossly negligent or intentional. For example, the court might find that someone driving while distracted was grossly negligent. Purposeful actions might include battery, murder, or injuring you while in the process of kidnapping you or trespassing on your property with the intent to harm you.

The court orders the defendant to pay punitive damages as a punishment in the hopes that the defendant will not repeat his or her actions. If the defendant caused your injuries while committing a crime such as battery, the state would usually prosecute him in the criminal court. You still have to file a civil action in the form of a personal injury lawsuit against the defendant in order to get compensation.

Settle or Litigate a Colorado Brain Injury Case

If the insurance companies involved do not offer you a fair and reasonable settlement, you can stop settlement negotiations at any time and file a lawsuit. Once you file a lawsuit, you will have several court deadlines to meet, but we will handle all of that for you.

In some cases, the insurance company caves and asks to restart settlement negotiations after you file a lawsuit. It costs the insurance company a lot more money to go to trial. They could ask to restart settlement negotiations at any point during the lead-up to the trial. Some will ask within a few days of filing the complaint, and others wait until just before the trial.

If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury, contact the team in our Colorado office of Strong Law at 206-737-2997 for a free case evaluation and to learn more about our attorneys and staff.

Contact Our Colorado Brain Injury Lawyers

We Have a Proven Record of Winning

The sooner you contact our personal injury lawyers in Colorado about recovering compensation for your brain injury, the sooner you can concentrate on recovering. Worrying about fighting the insurance company just exacerbates the issues you might have and could slow recovery.

The Colorado brain injury lawyers at Strong Law have a 98 percent win rate, which means that you do not have to worry about this fight yourself. Whether you want to attempt settlement negotiations or litigate your case, we are ready to help you.

Contact our office at 206-737-2997 to schedule a free case evaluation and to learn more about how we can help you.

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Types of Incidents that Cause Brain Injuries

Many types of accidents and incidents could cause brain injuries, including:

  • Vehicle accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Sporting incidents
  • Battery by an intruder
  • Dog attacks.

Regardless of what caused your brain injury, you could be entitled to recover compensation from the defendant.

Recovering from a Brain Injury

The path to recovery from a brain injury depends on the type and severity of the injury. You might need one or more types of therapy, including physical therapy, cognitive therapy, occupational therapy, and psychiatric therapies.

  • Neurosurgeons and neurologists
  • Specialists, including internists
  • Social workers
  • Speech pathologists
  • Vocational counselors
  • Respiratory therapists.

Rehabilitation programs could include independent living programs, behavior management programs, long-term rehabilitation programs, acute rehabilitation programs, day-treatments programs, transitional living programs, and subacute rehabilitation programs.

Your rehabilitation team could also include your family, friends, a pastor, and others in your life who are there to support you, whether it is to give you a ride when you need it, to help you with daily living activities, or just to spend time with you.

The costs of recovery can be very high which is why you need an experienced Colorado brain injury lawyer on your case. That’s why you should call Strong Law. We are ready to help you today. Call us at 206-737-2997.

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Brain Injury


How Strong Law will handle you case

Investigate the Accident

Gather evidence, interview witnesses, and assess the circumstances surrounding the accident to establish facts and liability.

Identifying Compensation

Determine the extent of damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.


Engage in discussions with the opposing party or insurance companies to reach a fair settlement outside of court.


If negotiations fail, proceed to court where legal arguments and evidence are presented before a judge or jury for a final decision.

Insider experience

We know how to fight big insurance companies

Prior to representing accident victims, Jed worked for GEICO insurance company as one of its in-house attorneys – representing the insurance companies. After learning the inner workings of insurance companies, he quit and began representing accident victims.

No upfront fees

Absolutely ZERO upfront fees

We want to help you get the legal advice you need with no upfront fees. There is no obligation to use our law firm and we only get paid if you win your case.

First class service

First class customer service

Our team of legal experts pride themselves on going above and beyond for our clients. We provide you answers and solutions to the legal issues you may experience from your accident.

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Start with a Free evaluation

We are here to help you recover from your accident physically and fiscally. Let us help you maximize the compensation you deserve.

Frequently asked questions

Have other questions? Get in touch with our team at

What Is the Value of My Case?

The value of an injury case depends upon many factors related to the extent of your injuries and any other losses associated with your claim. You may have medical bills, lost income, costs associated with pain and suffering, among other possible damages. To learn the possible value of your case, contact the team at Strong Law. In a free case evaluation, we’ll let you know how much your case may be worth.

What Are Your Hours?

Strong Law is open five days a week between 9am and 5pm. In addition, we offer after hours return calls, weekend calls, and online chat.

What Kinds Of Cases Are Personal Injury?

Call us to know for sure, but a good rule of thumb is when an “accident” that happened to you because of the acts of or misdeeds of another party. Examples are: Auto accidents; motorcycle accidents; semi-truck accidents; wrongful death; medical malpractice; slip, trip and fall; boating accidents, faulty equipment, nursing home abuse; and many others.

Will I Be Charged To Consult Or Talk With You?

No, not ever. Strong Law is a contingency personal injury firm offering specialized experience along with access when you need it. Our goal is to gain the best settlement and provide comfort in the process, so easy access to us is part of our best practices.

What Does Contingency Mean?

Contingency in a legal matter means an expense to the client based on the outcome of a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. Said another way, Strong Law gets paid only if your case settles.

Can You Give Me An Assessment Of My Case?

Absolutely. While we cannot guarantee anything, nor do we imply a settlement, our willingness to take your case (and do it on contingency) is our voice that we feel your case has strong merit. After speaking with you, we can provide a merit assessment over the phone. However, we caution that accepting your case does not promise anything, your outcome is reflected in the law firm you choose.

What Should I Do If I’m Having Problems, Like Their Insurance Company Is Calling Me?

Always secure an attorney first. If you sign up with Strong Law now, you can advise their insurance company that you have representation and give them our name and contact information. From that time forward, they should not be contacting you again; it’s the law. If you do not sign with an attorney, like Strong Law, you will need to speak with them and represent yourself to resolve your injury. We strongly urge against this; insurance companies are skilled at ensuring their best interests over yours.

What Are Common Reasons For Insurance Injury Denials?

Make sure you receive medical treatment as soon as possible after an accident, otherwise insurance may argue your pain is from an unrelated incident.Insurance companies will be going out of their way to find some proof that the accident was your fault. Don’t be intimidated.If you have preexisting medical conditions that make you more likely to suffer an injury, it is not uncommon for insurance agencies to deny claims based on this.

How Long Does A Case Take To Settle?

It depends on many factors like medical care, future needs, evidence, proof of liability, and many others. Some cases take months while others can last a couple years. Ultimately, our goal is to represent you and what is going to be best for you in the long run.

Why Can Cases Last Years?

Because the law dictates it. There are many layers to make sure the insurance companies treat you with optimal care. For example, there will be time spent for medical treatments you might need. There is time to gather the needed medical reports and discover any long term impacts this injury will have on your life today and into the future. There is time for the other side to review our demands, research, and respond as well. It can feel like a long time, but we follow the law and strategize for the best benefit to you. We are with you the whole time.

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