Eugene, OR, Car Accident Lawyers

Our Eugene, OR, car accident lawyers understand car accidents can be traumatic, even if injuries are not serious. With mounting medical expenses, car damage, and less income coming in because you cannot work, the time after an accident is stressful. You might even lose the ability to enjoy family events and activities, or you might have lost a loved one in a car accident.

Additionally, car accident claims can be complex, especially if more than one party is responsible for your injuries or the death of a loved one. Insurance company representatives will take every step they can to cut their costs and encourage you to settle for the lowest amount possible. An experienced attorney with deep knowledge of Oregon laws can address every element of your claim to ensure you get the compensation you are due.

If your Eugene car accident claim becomes a lawsuit, the level of complexity increases. Even when the car accident involves you and just one other person, there may be the defendant, his or her insurance company, the defendant's attorney, and the insurance company's attorney involved in the case.

Don't leave your future to chance. Get the best possible outcome and all the compensation you deserve. Call our Eugene, OR, car accident lawyers at Strong Law at 206-741-1053 for a free case evaluation.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Eugene, OR


Sometimes after a car accident, your injuries prevent you from doing anything. However, if you can move around without causing further injury, you should take several steps while you are still on the scene:

  • Take photos of the accident scene. Be sure to get pictures from all angles, and be sure the images are clear. Also get photos of any damage to the road and nearby property.
  • Obtain contact information from others involved in the accident, including passengers. Obtain the drivers’ insurance and registration information.
  • Obtain a good contact number and / or email for any witnesses. You can also ask witnesses what they saw. Be sure to take notes. Their initial observations could be helpful to your case.
  • Let the emergency medical technicians check you over even if you think your injuries are minor.

Once the police release you from the accident scene, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, you should get them examined. Some injuries do not manifest for hours or even days after the accident. Also, there is a document you must file with the state. In Oregon, you must file a Traffic Accident and Insurance Report within 72 hours of most types of car accidents.

Don’t wait to contact our Eugene, OR, car accident attorneys at Strong Law for a free case evaluation. We will explain what you should and, more important, what you should not say to insurance company representatives. Once you set up your appointment, you can also contact the insurance company to notify it that you were in an accident. Only give the insurance company your name, the other driver’s policy number, the date and location of the accident, and your attorney’s contact information.

Gathering Evidence

After the accident, if you are able, you should retrieve a copy of the police report and any medical records. If you can bring them to the free case evaluation with our Eugene car accident attorneys, we can better evaluate your case.

Recoverable Damages After a Eugene, OR, Car Accident

Our car accident lawyers in Eugene, OR, can help you recover damages after a car wreck. We will negotiate skillfully on your behalf to get you all the compensation you are due for your injuries and losses. If the settlement amount is not appropriate, we can take your case to trial. In a car accident case, the court orders compensatory damages – economic and non-economic damages – in an attempt to make you whole again. The court orders punitive damages to punish the defendant’s grossly negligent or intentional actions or inactions.

Economic Damages

Special damages, sometimes called economic damages, have a monetary value and include:

  • Past medical expenses for those incurred in the accident and prior to a settlement or a trial award.
  • Future medical expenses for those incurred in the accident and after a settlement or a trial award. Past and future medical expenses also include costs for physical therapy, occupational therapy, and cognitive and other psychological therapies.
  • Past lost wages for those you lost from the time of the accident until you settle or receive a trial award.
  • Future lost wages for those you lost because of accident injuries or disabilities that continue after a settlement or a trial award.
  • Replacement or repair of destroyed or damaged personal property, including personal property inside your vehicle that suffered damage, such as computers and clothing.
  • Funeral, burial and / or cremation expenses.

Non-Economic Damages

General damages, sometimes referred to as non-economic damages, do not have a monetary value and include:

  • Pain and suffering, including emotional distress.
  • Loss of quality of life if your injuries cause long-term or permanent disabilities that require medications, ambulatory aids or other medical changes for the rest of your life.
  • Loss of companionship if you can no longer enjoy family time, including family events and activities.
  • Loss of consortium if you can no longer have a physical relationship with your spouse.
  • Loss of use of a body part such as a hand or a leg.
  • Loss of use of a bodily function such as your bladder, bowels or eyesight.
  • Amputation of a limb or digit.
  • Excessive scarring and / or disfigurement.
  • Inconvenience if you have to hire someone to do chores such as grocery shopping, home maintenance and repair, lawn maintenance and house cleaning.

Punitive Damages in a Eugene, OR, Car Accident Case

To collect punitive damages in Oregon, which is a punishment for the defendant, you must show that the defendant’s actions or inactions were grossly negligent or intentional (Or. Rev. Stat. § 31.730). While asking for punitive damages increases the time you need to wait to obtain compensation after a car accident, sometimes it’s worth the wait. This is especially if your doctors expect your injuries to cause long-term or permanent disabilities. While the court does not order this compensation to cover specific costs, nothing states that you cannot use it for medical expenses and other expenses related to the accident, including lost wages.

If you believe you should recover punitive damages, you should retain a car accident attorney in Eugene. The process of proving gross negligence or intent is complicated and requires detailed knowledge of Oregon laws. Our team in Eugene, OR, can skillfully argue why your case merits punitive damages and will ensure that you receive full compensation for all damages related to your car accident.

Recovering Future Damages Related to Your Car Accident

In some cases, people try to represent themselves in settlement negotiations. Once the insurance company gets you to settle, you can no longer go after the insurance company for additional medical expenses. In some cases, it might take two or more surgeries to repair injuries from a car accident. If you sign a settlement with the insurance company, you might not have enough money to cover the additional surgeries. This is why it is important to work with our car accident lawyers in Eugene, OR, to help you with your case.

Our car accident attorneys have years of experience with reviewing medical documents and helping people with similar injuries. We work with medical professionals to understand whether you might require additional medical care and what the associated costs may be. We also work with medical professionals to help determine whether you will require physical therapy, occupational therapy, or even cognitive and other psychological therapies because of car accident injuries.

If you are receiving therapy now, your therapist can give us a good idea of how long you will require these therapies, which helps us determine a fair and reasonable settlement amount. Additionally, if the type of injuries you suffered in the car wreck typically require physical and / or occupational therapy, we can also have medical professionals testify as to the average length of time people with the same types of injuries need to recover.

Determining future medical expenses is difficult, at best. If you try to settle a case on your own, you have a high risk of not getting the compensation you deserve, including the medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering.


Contact our experienced car accident attorneys in Eugene for help to be sure you get all the compensation you deserve. Call our team at Strong Law today at 206-741-1053.


Proving Negligence in Your Eugene Car Accident Case

When someone is not careful enough and causes a car accident, his or her actions or inactions could be deemed negligent. A negligent person that causes accidents has a legal duty to pay for the injured person’s damages. An example of negligence might include running a stop sign and causing an accident.

Gross negligence is when a person has a reckless disregard for the safety of others. Examples might include driving under the influence or speeding through a street with lots of pedestrians or bicyclists. Even driving while distracted, such as texting while driving, could be considered gross negligence.

Our car accident lawyers in Eugene, OR, understand how to prove that another’s actions or inactions were negligent. Negligence has four elements:

  • The defendant had a legal duty to others.
  • The defendant breached his or her legal duty to others.
  • The plaintiff – you – suffered an injury as a result of the defendant’s breach.
  • The defendant’s breach caused you to suffer damages.

Communicating with Insurance Companies

Many people are tempted to either settle their cases themselves or to give the insurance company a statement. However, insurance companies are in business to make money. Every claim they pay out, regardless of how small, decreases their profits.

Insurance companies have several strategies they use to try to blame to you for the accident so they can deny your claim – or offer a pittance that might not cover your medical expenses, never mind the rest of the damages that you deserve. They may twist what you tell them to make it appear you were at least partially at fault for the accident.

Your best option is to talk with our Eugene car accident lawyer before you speak with the insurance company. We can handle the communications on your behalf and prevent issues that arise related to any statements you could make to them.

Another advantage of working with our team is that you are more likely to get a settlement offer that is appropriate. Insurance companies know we do not shy away from litigation. If they don’t give you a settlement offer that compensates you fairly for your injuries and losses, we will take the insurer to court rather than take a low-ball settlement. When an insurance company has to defend a case in court, their costs increase quickly, so it is in their interest to negotiate fairly and give you the compensation you deserve in a settlement offer.

Our skilled Eugene car accident lawyers will negotiate strategically on your behalf to ensure you get the best settlement possible. Give our Strong Law team a call today at 206-741-1053 to talk about your case.

Common Questions Asked of our Eugene Car Accident Attorneys

  • Do you have offices in other cities and states?

    Yes. We have offices in Eugene and Portland, OR, as well as Tacoma and Everett, WA, and Salt Lake City, UT.

  • How much will it cost for you to represent my interests?

    The initial case evaluation is free. We work on a contingency basis, which means that you do not pay attorneys’ fees unless we win your case. We will discuss costs associated with your case during your initial case evaluation. We will also discuss the percentage we take for attorneys’ fees once we win.

  • Do I always have to go to court after a car accident?

    No. If the at-fault driver’s insurance offers a fair and reasonable settlement, you will not see the inside of a courtroom. However, if the police ticketed you in the accident, you could be required to attend a traffic court hearing or pay a fine, depending on what the police report accuses you of doing. You should never admit fault, because there are a range of causes that could have led to your accident. For example, vehicles can have manufacturing defects. They also have parts that were replaced by auto technicians, and those parts or the installation process could be what caused the wreck.

  • Do I have to report an accident to anyone other than the police?

    Yes. You must report an Oregon accident to the Department of Motor Vehicles within 72 hours of the wreck.

  • What do I do if I believe the accident is my fault?

    Never admit fault. Most laypersons do not know the intricacies of the law. While you might be partially at fault, the other driver could also share in the responsibility. Or, the other driver could actually be wholly at fault even if you think the fault was yours. Let our car accident attorneys in Eugene identify who is at fault; by saying the wrong thing, you could cost yourself the compensation you deserve.

  • The other driver was not cited. Can I still file a claim?

    Yes. The citation is but one piece of evidence showing fault in a vehicle accident. While it is a strong piece of direct evidence, the police do not always see everything. We will investigate an accident scene to look for other direct evidence and circumstantial evidence to help prove the other driver’s negligence.

  • The insurance company is pressuring me to sign a medical release and provide a statement. What do I do?

    Once you notify the insurance company that you have retained an attorney, they should no longer be contacting you. Continue to refer them to your car accident lawyers at Strong Law. If you have not notified the insurance company that you have an attorney, contact us for a free case evaluation. If you retain us to protect your rights, we will contact the insurance company for you.

  • How do I pay medical bills until I get my settlement or win a trial award?

    Your vehicle insurance and your health insurance will cover most of your medical expenses. After you receive your settlement or trial award, the insurance companies might require you to reimburse them. Since Oregon requires mandatory personal injury protection, start with that; then claim them on your primary health insurance. It is best to talk to our Eugene car accident lawyers about your bills so we can explain what you can expect in your specific case.

  • When should I make initial contact with car accident lawyers in Eugene, OR?

    As soon as possible after the accident. Even if you are still in the hospital, you should contact us. We can set up a video conference or do a case evaluation over the phone. In some cases, we could come to you in the hospital or wherever you are recovering.

    If you lost a loved one in a car accident, contact our office as soon as possible. We understand that in the days and weeks after the death of a loved one, you have a lot on your mind and are busy with the funeral and probate court, but we can help you through the process. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can get your case rolling, which also helps if we need to investigate the accident. It is possible you may have a wrongful death claim, and our attorneys will let you know if this is an option.

  • What do I do if the at-fault driver does not have enough insurance to cover all of my damages?

    This depends on the circumstances of the accident. In cases where the driver is not the only person at fault, you can also collect from other parties, such as a company owner or a truck manufacturer.

    You can also collect damages from your own personal injury protection insurance. Finally, you can sue the at-fault driver directly to recover the additional compensation you deserve.

Causes of Car Accidents in Oregon

While you try to avoid car accidents, sometimes it’s just not possible. Some drivers are distracted, some may have medical emergencies, and others drive aggressively and recklessly when they’re upset, or simply do not pay attention.

It is important to understand how a cause of your Eugene, OR, car accident may mean you have a valid claim to receive compensation for injuries in your accident. Talk to our attorneys to find out how the causes of your accident could impact the amount of a settlement or lawsuit.

Causes of Oregon car accidents include:

  • Excessive speeding. Whether a driver is just speeding because he or she is in a hurry or because they’re running from the police, excessive speeding usually causes wrecks. The speeding driver does not have as much time to make decisions. Also, the states’ departments of transportation put up speed limit signs for a reason – these signs tell you the safe speed for that road when conditions are excellent.
  • Reckless and aggressive driving. Reckless driving is when someone constantly changes lanes in an attempt to get out of traffic or drives in a breakdown lane. Aggressive driving is when a driver speeds excessively, tailgates, or cuts in and out of traffic leaving so little room that the driver he or she cut off has to slam on the brakes.
  • Tailgating. If a driver drives too close to the vehicle in front of him, he risks crashing into that vehicle should it have to stop suddenly.
  • Medical emergencies. When a person has a medical emergency, they could lose control of the vehicle, whether they are awake or passed out. If the driver inadvertently pulls on the steering wheel or presses harder on the accelerator, the actions are instant, and it’s hard to get out of the way, especially in traffic.
  • Driving under the influence of legal and illegal prescription drugs, alcohol, drugs, and other illicit substances. Additional criminal penalties and punitive damages could apply if a driver has a blood alcohol level of over 0.08.
  • Driving while distracted. Even looking at the kids in the rear seat or glancing down at the radio to change the station is distracted driving. Any time you take your eyes off the road to look at something else, you could be ticketed for distracted driving if you cause a wreck. If a driver was found texting while driving, he or she could face additional civil penalties. Depending on the state’s laws regarding texting while driving, the driver could also face additional criminal penalties.
  • Vehicle defects. Always check for recalls on your vehicle, even when it’s brand new. Sometimes a recall takes several years to come out. In some cases, you will have no warning that something might fail – that’s why it’s always a good idea to check for recalls.
  • Aftermarket part defects. Just as a vehicle might be defective from the manufacturer, aftermarket parts could be defective. The auto technician won’t always see a defective part. For example, if a brake pad looks fine on the front and back, but the bond between the pad and the backing plate is defective, the auto technician will not see that since it’s hidden.
  • Improperly installed parts. In some cases, the part is fine, but the auto technician does not install it correctly. In that case, you could have a claim against the technician.
  • Snow, rain, ice, and even the sun shining in a person’s eyes. Sometimes when people wreck because of the weather, they are doing everything correctly. However, others drive too fast for conditions. It can be difficult to avoid a wreck caused by the weather, especially if snow or ice caused the crash. The person that slid into you – or the person that caused another person to slide into you — could be responsible for your injuries.
  • Poorly maintained roads. If a poorly maintained road caused an accident, you might recover from the municipality responsible for maintaining the roads.
  • Poorly maintained vehicles. The owner of the vehicle could face a goodly amount of compensation just for not keeping his or her vehicle maintained.


Our Eugene, OR, car accident attorneys have experience fighting for clients whose accidents were caused by negligent actions of others, whether they were drivers, manufacturers or trucking companies. Call us today at 206-741-1053 to find out who we can hold responsible for your injuries.


Injuries You Could Suffer From Because of a Car Accident

Car accident injuries vary widely and depend on several factors, including the size and weight of the vehicles involved, how a vehicle hits you, and how fast the vehicle hits you. A hit at 5 miles per hour might push you a short distance, but an impact at 50 miles per hour could push you many feet. All of these things affect the severity of personal injuries and damage to your vehicle that can happen in an accident.

Your injuries also depend on whether you are wearing a seatbelt, have loose items in your vehicle, and whether your vehicle flips over. Car accident injuries could include:

  • Face and eye injuries
  • Simple and compound fractures
  • Sprains and strains
  • Torn muscles, pulled muscles and other soft tissue injuries
  • Head, neck and shoulder injuries
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Crushed bones
  • Amputation of a digit or limb.

Protecting Your Rights and Seeking Justice

As a Eugene, OR car accident lawyer can explain, car accidents can be devastating, resulting in serious injuries, property damage, and emotional trauma. If you have been involved in a car accident in Eugene, Oregon, it is crucial to seek legal representation from an experienced lawyer. They can help protect your rights, guide you through the legal process, and fight for the compensation you deserve; contact a lawyer today at Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys for help.

Car accidents occur for various reasons, including negligent driving, distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving, and road hazards. Regardless of the cause, if you have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Accident lawyers that specialize in personal injury law should have extensive experience handling car accident cases. Lawyers understand the complexities of the legal system and are equipped to navigate through insurance claims, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, represent you in court.

When you hire an accident lawyer, they will start by investigating the accident and gathering evidence to build a strong case. They will review police reports, interview witnesses, examine medical records, and consult with accident reconstruction experts if needed. This thorough investigation ensures that all the necessary facts and evidence are gathered to support your claim.

One of the key benefits of hiring a lawyer is their ability to negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. Insurance companies are known for trying to minimize their payouts, often offering settlements that are far below what you deserve. A skilled lawyer will advocate for your rights and fight for fair compensation. They will assess the true value of your case, including both economic and non-economic damages, and negotiate with the insurance company to secure a favorable settlement.

In some cases, insurance negotiations may not lead to a satisfactory resolution. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, your lawyer will be prepared to take your case to court. They will represent you during trial, presenting your case to a judge and jury, and fighting for the maximum compensation available.

In addition to handling the legal aspects of your case, an Eugene car accident lawyer can provide valuable support and guidance throughout the process. They understand the emotional and physical toll that a car accident can take on you and your loved ones. They will answer your questions, address your concerns, and ensure that you are well informed about the progress of your case.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, do not hesitate to seek legal representation from a reputable lawyer. Time is of the essence, as there are deadlines for filing personal injury claims. By acting promptly, you can protect your rights, preserve evidence, and increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.

Remember, the road to recovery after a car accident can be challenging, but with the help of a skilled Eugene car accident lawyer, you can focus on healing while they work tirelessly to seek justice and secure the compensation you deserve; contact one today at Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys for help.

As our Eugene, OR car accident lawyer knows, there are many short-term and long-term consequences that can impact victims in many ways. Car accidents can lead to devastating consequences, causing severe injuries that can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and financial impacts. Understanding the potential injuries that can result from car accidents can emphasize the importance of safe driving practices and encourage everyone to prioritize road safety. 

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are one of the most serious and life-altering consequences of car accidents. The sudden impact or forceful jolt experienced during a collision can cause the brain to strike the skull, leading to brain damage. TBIs can range from mild concussions to severe brain hemorrhages, resulting in cognitive impairments, memory loss, speech difficulties, and even permanent disability. For patients to undergo a smooth recovery, they need immediate medical attention as soon as possible. 

Spinal Cord Injuries (SCIs)

Car accidents often result in spinal cord injuries, which can have profound and irreversible effects on an individual’s life. Damage to the spinal cord can cause paralysis or loss of sensation, depending on the severity and location of the injury. Partial paralysis (paraplegia) or complete paralysis (quadriplegia) can severely impact mobility, independence, and overall quality of life. Extensive rehabilitation, adaptive equipment, and support networks are essential for those living with SCIs. As a Eugene car accident lawyer can explain, victims who have spinal cord injuries may be able to recover a large amount of damages.

Internal Organ Damage

The sheer force involved in a car accident can cause severe internal injuries, including damage to organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, or lungs. Blunt force trauma from the impact or penetrating injuries from broken glass or objects within the vehicle can result in internal bleeding, organ lacerations, or even organ failure. Because internal injuries may not be seen from the outside, it is important that patients receive prompt treatment as soon as possible. 

Bone Fractures:

Bone fractures are prevalent in car accidents, as the body can sustain significant impacts from collisions. Fractures can occur in various parts of the body, such as the limbs, ribs, pelvis, or skull. Depending on the severity and location, fractures can lead to excruciating pain, immobility, and the need for surgical intervention. Complex fractures may require extensive rehabilitation and physical therapy to regain functionality. Complex fractures often require extensive physical therapy and rehabilitative services for functionality to improve. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A lawyer will stress the importance of not overlooking the psychological effects that a car accident can bring. Car accidents can lead to the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition characterized by intense anxiety, nightmares, flashbacks, and emotional distress. PTSD can significantly disrupt daily life, impair relationships, and hinder overall well-being. Seeking therapy and support from mental health professionals is crucial for individuals grappling with the emotional aftermath of a car accident.

Car accidents can result in severe injuries that have far-reaching consequences for individuals involved. By recognizing the potential injuries, we can increase awareness and promote safer driving practices. Remember to prioritize road safety, follow traffic rules, and minimize distractions while driving to reduce the risk of accidents. By taking proactive measures, we can work towards creating safer roadways and preventing life-altering injuries. To receive legal guidance from a Eugene car accident lawyer like one from Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys. contact a lawyer who can help you while there is still time. 

5 Common Myths About Car Accident Cases

A Eugene, OR car accident lawyer knows that car accidents are stressful, and the aftermath can be confusing. Unfortunately, there are several common myths about car accident cases that can mislead people. It’s important to be self-educated so that you are as prepared as possible should you find yourself a victim of a car accident. Life is unpredictable and any legal professional encourages clients to continuously learn about their rights at hand. Let’s debunk these myths with the help of a car accident lawyer from Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys.

Myth: You Don’t Need A Lawyer

Fact: While you can handle a car accident case on your own, it’s not advisable. Insurance companies have teams of professionals working to minimize payouts. A skilled car accident lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal process and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Myth: I Have Plenty Of Time To File A Claim

Fact: In Oregon, there is a statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim. Waiting too long can jeopardize your ability to seek compensation. It’s crucial to consult with a lawyer promptly to understand your time limits.

Myth: All Lawyers Are The Same

Fact: Not all lawyers specialize in car accident cases. Choosing the right car accident lawyer with expertise in this field can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Look for a lawyer with a proven track record in car accident claims.

Myth: My Insurance Company Will Always Have My Back

Fact: While insurance is there to help, it’s essential to remember that insurance companies are businesses. Their primary goal is to minimize costs. A lawyer can advocate for your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve, even if it means going up against your own insurer.

5. Myth: I’ll Get Rich From A Car Accident Lawsuit

Fact: While you may receive compensation for your injuries and damages, getting rich from a car accident lawsuit is a myth. Compensation is meant to cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain, and suffering, and property damage. A Eugene car accident lawyer can help you pursue a fair settlement.

Car Accident Infographic

5 Common Myths About Car Accident Cases Infographic

Turn To Us For Dedicated Guidance

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, don’t let these myths cloud your judgment. Consult with an experienced Eugene car accident lawyer at Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys. We specialize in car accident cases and can provide expert guidance to ensure you make informed decisions. Your well-being is our top priority. We are dedicated to fighting for your rights, handling the legal complexities, and seeking the compensation you deserve. Don’t fall for common myths about car accident cases. Let us provide you with the knowledge and representation you need.

Contact Us Today

If you have questions or need assistance with your car accident case, reach out to us today for a free consultation. We’re here to help you understand your rights and options. Your path to justice and compensation begins with contacting our team.

Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys, Eugene Car Accident Lawyer

590 Pearl St Suite 390, Eugene, OR 97401

Client Testimonial

”I was in a hit and run accident on March 11, 2022. Strong Law Firmt took my case. I had excellent service from them. My attorney Ben was great, but the super Star was Cristina. She truly took the bull by the horns and got everything done for me in a timely and expeditious manner. She was a true peach and I am so glad to have worked with her. Thanks Cristina!!!” – Laurie Rogers (Google Review)

Attorney Jed Strong

Attorney Jed StrongJed Strong is the founder of Strong Law. He knows that accident injuries can be devastating to individuals and families, so he does everything in his power to ensure his clients recover every bit of compensation they deserve. Prior to representing accident victims, Jed worked for GEICO insurance company as one of its in-house attorneys – representing the insurance companies. After learning the inner workings of insurance companies, he quit and began representing accident victims. [ Attorney Bio ]

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    Our Car Accident Lawyers in Eugene, OR, Help Protect Your Rights

    After an accident, whether you suffered injuries or lost a loved one, you need to focus on recovering or perhaps grieving. You do not need the additional stress of medical bills or worrying about wages lost when your injuries prevent you from working.
    That’s where our Eugene, OR, car accident lawyers at Strong Law Firm can step in. Rely on our experience to guide you every step of the way in your car accident case. We’ll fight hard for your interests to ensure you get all the compensation you deserve so you can move forward with your life. Get your free consultation about your accident in Eugene. Give Strong Law a call at 206-741-1053 to get started. There are no fees unless we win your case.