Lakewood Car Accident Lawyers

Protect Your Rights After a Car Accident

When someone hits you with their vehicle, you may suffer injuries like minor cuts and scrapes, or you could suffer catastrophic injuries. The at-fault driver, or their insurance company, should pay for your medical expenses and other damages. Our Lakewood, WA, car accident attorneys can help you protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

After an accident, the at-fault driver's insurance company is usually responsible for paying damages. However, insurance companies will certainly try to avoid paying a claim; and they’re notorious for offering minimal amounts to settle.

If you suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a car accident, contact one of our Lakewood, WA, car accident lawyers at Strong Law at 206-737-2997 for a free case evaluation and assistance in dealing with insurers.

Our Team Gets Results for Our Clients

Find Out Why So Many People Trust Strong Law

Our Lakewood, WA, car accident team works hard to get results for our clients. We take the time necessary to investigate your car accident case to the fullest extent. We leave no stone unturned so that we can represent your interests to the best of our ability.

The legal system is complex; and if your car accident case has more than one person at fault, it becomes even more complicated. Count on our experience, our strategic and negotiating skills and our knowledge of the law. We make sure insurance companies and other defendants do not violate your rights. We will make sure that you get all the compensation you deserve. Some of our results include:

  • A client was rear-ended while sitting at a stoplight. His neck surgery forced him to stay in a rehabilitation center for two months. We recovered $1.1 million for him.
  • A drunk driver crossed the center line, causing a head-on collision with our clients. We recovered $1 million for them.
  • A vehicle hit our client as the client was crossing the street. His injuries required surgery on his knee and shoulder and caused him to be out for work for over a year. We recovered $900,000 for him.
  • Our client was a passenger in the vehicle driven by an acquaintance. Unbeknownst to our client, the acquaintance was drunk. The driver crashed into a tree, causing our client to suffer neck injuries that required surgery. We recovered $875,000 for our client.
  • Three young children were riding in a car that was T-boned while the driver was making a left turn into a parking lot. The three children suffered injuries in the wreck. We recovered $680,000 for the children.

Each matter is unique, and your results may vary.

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Proving Liability in a Lakewood, WA, Car Accident

Our Experienced Attorneys Know How to Show Who Was at Fault

In some cases, it is obvious who was at fault in a car accident. In other cases, your attorney might have to retain private investigators to determine who was at fault in the car accident. While the police report can point to liability, it is not the only tool a car accident lawyer in Lakewood will use.

To recover damages in a car accident, you must be able to show that the other driver met the four elements to prove liability. Those elements are:

  • The driver – also known as the defendant – had a duty of care not to harm you.
  • The driver violated that duty.
  • The driver’s actions caused your injuries.
  • You suffered damages as a result of those actions.

More than one person could meet these elements – and if they do, they are also responsible for your injuries and other damages.

To help prove who shares in the liability for the damages you can collect, our Sammamish car accident lawyers will investigate the accident scene and use expert witnesses to recreate the accident, when necessary. Our attorneys will also interview first responders, police officers and other witnesses who were at the scene of the accident.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Lakewood, WA

In many cases, your injuries could prevent you from doing anything after a car accident. However, if you feel that you can move around without causing additional harm to yourself, you should take the following steps after a car wreck:

  • Call first responders and check on others involved in the wreck.
  • Obtain the other drivers’ contact information, insurance information and registration information.
  • Speak to witnesses. First, obtain a good phone number from anyone who witnessed the accident. You can also ask a witness what he or she saw. If you do, be sure to take notes about which witness said what.
  • Allow the emergency medical technicians to check you over, even if you believe your injuries are minor. Some injuries will not manifest for hours or even a day or two.
  • After the police release you from the scene, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Let the medical personnel know that you were in an accident and you want to ensure that you do not have any injuries that have not manifested yet.
  • Contact our car accident lawyers in Lakewood, WA.

Recoverable Damages After a Car Accident in Lakewood

In Washington, you can recover economic damages and non-economic damages. You cannot recover punitive or exemplary damages for a car accident in Washington State, even if the at-fault driver’s actions or inactions were grossly negligent.

Economic damages and non-economic damages are compensatory damages. The court orders these types of damages in an attempt to make you whole again. While the money does not bring back a loved one, it does reduce financial stress for family members and for the accident victim who might not be able to work again.

Economic Damages

Special damages, usually referred to as economic damages, have a monetary value. They include:

  • Past and Future Medical Expenses: Past medical expenses are those you incurred because of the accident and prior to a trial award or a settlement. Future medical expenses are those you expect to incur after you settle or win a trial award. Medical expenses also include any therapy you might need, such as cognitive and other psychological therapies, occupational therapy and physical therapy.
  • Past and Future Lost Wages: Past lost wages are those you lost from the time of the accident through the time you settle your case or win a trial award. Future lost wages are those you expect to continue losing after a settlement or a trial award. If you are able to work but your disabilities prevent you from making the same hourly rate or salary as prior to the accident, you could recover partial future lost wages.

Economic losses also include property damage. These damages sometimes have an emotional component as well.

Non-Economic Damages

General damages, usually referred to as non-economic damages, are more difficult to compute in monetary terms. They include:

  • Pain and Suffering: This general category usually includes emotional distress, for those who suffered injuries in a car wreck. Money cannot relieve emotional pain and suffering. But it is the only remedy available under Washington law.
  • Lost Quality of Life: Some accident injuries cause disabilities that might require medication or the use of ambulatory aids for the rest of your life. You could recover compensation for loss of quality of life if the accident injuries caused such life-changing changes.
  • Loss of Companionship: If your car accident injuries caused long-term or permanent disabilities that preclude you from enjoying family events and activities, you could recover extra compensation.
  • Loss of Consortium: If the car accident injuries caused a long-term or permanent disability that precludes you from having a physical relationship with your spouse, whether those injuries are physical or emotional, you could recover extra compensation.

To determine a reasonable amount of non-economic losses, most Lakewood, WA, car accident lawyers multiply the economic losses by two, three, or four, mostly depending on the facts of the case.

Hemos ayudado a miles de víctimas de accidentes como usted


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casos de éxito
«Sin duda los recomendaría».
Lindsey - Washington

«Fue muy profesional y me trató como a un igual».

Solo quería dar las gracias a Jed y su equipo de Strong Law. No solo estaba contento con el resultado, sino con todo el proceso en su conjunto. Definitivamente recomendaría esta firma a cualquiera. Gracias de nuevo.

Nick S

«¡Un trabajo increíble!»

Tuve una reclamación que involucraba a mi propia compañía de seguros. Intenté negociar con ellos y rechazaron por completo mi reclamación, dos veces. Luego contraté a Strong Law y el cambio fue instantáneo. La compañía de seguros comenzó a negociar de inmediato y Jed pudo conseguir un acuerdo increíblemente bueno. Nunca volveré a intentar contratar una compañía de seguros sin contar con Strong Law de mi lado. ¡Gracias!»

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Una bienvenida de Jed Strong
«Siempre han estado ahí para mí».
Marsha - Washington

«Recibí justicia y una compensación increíble».

«Contraté a Strong Law después de mi accidente automovilístico. Jed y su equipo trabajaron arduamente en mi caso. Fueron profesionales y compasivos durante mi cirugía y durante mi recuperación, y su comunicación fue excelente. Recibí justicia y una compensación increíble. Recomendaría Strong Law a cualquier persona en mi situación».

Rick R.

A client Testimonial

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Lakewood, WA, Car Accident FAQs

When should I contact a car accident lawyer in Lakewood, WA?

You should contact our Lakewood, WA, car accident lawyers as soon as possible after the accident. Even if you are in the hospital, we can still meet with you for your initial case evaluation. We can visit you in the hospital or conduct a case evaluation over the phone or via video call.

If you are not able to meet with us due to your injuries, a loved one may contact us on your behalf. We will let your loved one know what steps to take.

My accident was not in Lakewood, and the at-fault driver and I live in another city. Do I have to use your Lakewood office?

No. You can work with our car accident lawyers in our office in Tacoma, WA, or even Portland or Eugene, OR. We also have an office in Salt Lake City, UT. Because of jurisdiction and venue laws, you should visit the office closest to where you or the defendant lives or closest to where the accident took place.

The insurance adjuster for the defendant’s insurance company keeps calling me. What should I do?

Ask the adjuster to contact our office. If you have given the insurance adjuster this information previously, tell the adjuster not to call you again. Additionally, let our office know that the insurance adjuster continues to reach out to you. We will also inform the insurance adjuster that he or she should not contact you.

I need to have my car fixed before my case settles. How do I get it fixed?

We will contact the insurance company on your behalf to get information about repairing your vehicle. Once an investigation has been completed, you can take your car in for repairs. In many cases, insurance companies have separate departments for property damage and personal injury claims. You can discuss getting your vehicle repaired with the property damage department, or you can ask us to obtain the information you need for the repair shop to submit expenses.

If the driver who hit me was on the job, can I also collect from his or her employer?

You bet. In fact, you may be able to collect from an employer even if the driver who hit you wasn’t technically “on the clock.”

Washington State has a very broad respondent superior rule. Employers are financially responsible if their employees were negligent during the course and scope of their employment. “Course and scope” usually includes any act which benefits the employer in any way. If an Uber driver causes an accident while deadheading (driving around waiting for a fare), the respondent superior rule usually applies. Although the driver didn’t have a fare at the time of the accident, Uber benefitted, since an available driver was in the area.

On a related note, almost any worker is an employee in Washington State, at least for negligence purposes.

Third party liability theories like respondent superior are especially important in catastrophic injury claims, like wrongful death claims. Since many drivers don’t have enough insurance coverage to provide fair compensation in these cases, third-party liability gives these victims another recovery source.

If I caused an accident because of a defective part on my vehicle, can I sue the manufacturer?

These wrecks are quite common. Manufacturers only recall products as a last resort. Usually, many people must be injured or killed before automakers and other manufacturers even think about issuing a recall. Additionally, product recall notices go only to record owners. Most used car owners are not record owners. On a related note, recall notices often don’t explain the severity of the problem. So, many owners put off repairs.

Usually, the strict liability rule applies in these cases. To obtain compensation for their injuries, victims don’t have to establish fault or negligence. They must only establish a connection between the product defect and their injuries.

Things like negligence and fault are relevant in terms of damages. If there is clear and convincing evidence that the manufacturer intentionally disregarded a known risk, a jury may award additional punitive damages. Usually, such proof is available. As mentioned, many product makers ignore danger signs and continue selling a defective product.

Is it possible to suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after an accident?

Post-car accident PTSD is more than possible. It’s common. More than half of car crash victims experience prolonged symptoms like:

  • Loss of interest
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Hypervigilance
  • Flashbacks.

PTSD is not a processing disorder that randomly affects some victims. Instead, a chemical imbalance in the brain causes the aforementioned symptoms. Extreme stress, like being in a car wreck, enlarges the amygdala and shrinks the cerebral cortex. The amygdala controls emotional responses, and the cerebral cortex controls logical responses. This imbalance explains why these victims over-react emotionally to everyday triggers, like driving past the intersection where the accident happened.

On a related note, physical injury victims aren’t the only people who can sustain stress-related injuries. For example, if a parent witnesses a child’s injury, the parent may be entitled to compensation, even if the parent didn’t otherwise get hurt.

What if the accident was my fault?

Tragedies like car crashes often have multiple causes. So, both drivers could well be partially responsible for the wreck. However, there are two important things to remember in this area.

En primer lugar, hay una diferencia entre culpa y responsabilidad legal (conocida como «responsabilidad»). Un ajustador de seguros, que se centrará en los intereses de la compañía de seguros y no en los suyos, suele determinar la culpa basándose únicamente en las pruebas disponibles de inmediato. Si su caso va a juicio, un jurado o juez determina la responsabilidad basándose no solo en las pruebas presentadas en el lugar de los hechos, sino también en las pruebas electrónicas y otras disponibles posteriormente.

Además, incluso si usted fue parcialmente responsable del accidente, la compensación aún está disponible. Washington es un estado de pura culpa comparativa. Por lo tanto, incluso si la víctima fue responsable en un 99 por ciento de la colisión, el conductor negligente es responsable de una parte proporcional de los daños.

There Is No Fee Unless Our Lakewood, WA, Car Accident Lawyers Win

You might be thinking that it is all well and good that we can obtain these types of results for our clients, but you worry about fees to retain us. This is one concern you don’t need to have.

Your initial case evaluation is free, and you don’t pay our attorney’s fees unless we win your case for you. If we win, we take our attorney’s fees from your settlement or trial award. We understand that you are going to have a hard enough time paying bills while you are out of work due to accident injuries. We have the resources to investigate your case and negotiate for a settlement to cover your injuries and costs or to take your case to court.

To win the compensation you deserve, contact our Lakewood, WA, car accident attorneys at 206-737-2997 for a free case evaluation as soon as possible.

Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de abogados de accidentes automovilísticos en Lakewood, WA, para una evaluación gratuita de su caso

Las lesiones por accidentes automovilísticos, especialmente aquellas que causan discapacidades permanentes o de larga duración, pueden cambiar su vida de manera significativa y, por lo general, no para mejor. Si bien la compensación que te mereces no te ayuda a deshacerte de tus lesiones y discapacidades ni a recuperar a un ser querido que murió en un accidente automovilístico, el dinero sí reduce el estrés financiero que supone no poder trabajar o perder ese segundo ingreso.

Nuestros abogados de accidentes automovilísticos en Lakewood, WA, pueden ayudarlo a proteger sus derechos después de un accidente y ayudarlo a recuperar la compensación que se merece. Si usted o un ser querido tuvo un accidente automovilístico, contacte Ley sólida al 206-737-2997 para una evaluación gratuita de su caso.

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Accidente automovilístico


How Strong Law will handle you case

Investigate the Accident

Gather evidence, interview witnesses, and assess the circumstances surrounding the accident to establish facts and liability.

Identifying Compensation

Determine the extent of damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.


Engage in discussions with the opposing party or insurance companies to reach a fair settlement outside of court.


If negotiations fail, proceed to court where legal arguments and evidence are presented before a judge or jury for a final decision.

Experiencia privilegiada

Sabemos cómo luchar contra las grandes compañías de seguros

Antes de representar a las víctimas de accidentes, Jed trabajó para la compañía de seguros GEICO como uno de sus abogados internos, representando a las compañías de seguros. Después de conocer el funcionamiento interno de las compañías de seguros, renunció y comenzó a representar a las víctimas de accidentes.


Sin comisiones por adelantado

Absolutamente CERO comisiones iniciales

Queremos ayudarlo a obtener el asesoramiento legal que necesita sin pagar por adelantado. No hay ninguna obligación de utilizar nuestro bufete de abogados y solo nos pagan si usted gana su caso.


Servicio de primera clase

Servicio al cliente de primera clase

Nuestro equipo de expertos legales se enorgullece de hacer todo lo posible para nuestros clientes. Le brindamos respuestas y soluciones a los problemas legales que pueda experimentar a causa de su accidente.


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Comience con una evaluación gratuita

Estamos aquí para ayudarlo a recuperarse de su accidente física y fiscalmente. Permítanos ayudarlo a maximizar la compensación que se merece.


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¿Cuál es el valor de mi caso?


El valor de un caso de lesiones depende de muchos factores relacionados con el alcance de sus lesiones y cualquier otra pérdida asociada con su reclamación. Es posible que tenga facturas médicas, pérdida de ingresos, costos asociados con el dolor y el sufrimiento, entre otros posibles daños. Para conocer el posible valor de su caso, comuníquese con el equipo de Strong Law. En un evaluación gratuita de casos, le haremos saber cuánto puede valer su caso.

¿Cuáles son sus horarios?


Strong Law está abierto cinco días a la semana entre las 9 a.m. y las 5 p.m. Además, ofrecemos llamadas de vuelta fuera del horario de atención, llamadas de fin de semana y chat en línea.

¿Qué tipos de casos son lesiones personales?


Llámenos para saberlo con certeza, pero una buena regla general es cuando le ha ocurrido un «accidente» debido a los actos o fechorías de otra persona. Algunos ejemplos son: los accidentes automovilísticos, los accidentes de motocicletas, los accidentes de semirremolques, la muerte por negligencia médica, los resbalones, tropiezos y caídas, los accidentes de navegación, los equipos defectuosos, el maltrato en hogares de ancianos y muchos otros.

¿Se me cobrará por consultarlo o hablar con usted?


No, nunca. Strong Law es una firma de lesiones personales de contingencia que ofrece experiencia especializada y acceso cuando lo necesita. Nuestro objetivo es obtener el mejor acuerdo y brindar comodidad en el proceso, por lo que el fácil acceso a nosotros es parte de nuestras mejores prácticas.

¿Qué significa contingencia?


En un asunto legal, la contingencia significa un gasto para el cliente basado en el resultado de un evento o circunstancia futura que es posible pero que no se puede predecir con certeza. Dicho de otra manera, a Strong Law solo se le paga si su caso se resuelve.

¿Me pueden dar una evaluación de mi caso?


Absolutamente. Si bien no podemos garantizar nada ni pretendemos llegar a un acuerdo, nuestra disposición a aceptar su caso (y hacerlo en caso de contingencia) es nuestra voz para decir que creemos que su caso tiene un gran mérito. Después de hablar con usted, podemos proporcionarle una evaluación de méritos por teléfono. Sin embargo, le advertimos que aceptar su caso no promete nada, sino que su resultado se refleja en el bufete de abogados que elija.

¿Qué debo hacer si tengo problemas, como si su compañía de seguros me estuviera llamando?


Consiga siempre un abogado primero. Si se inscribe en Strong Law ahora, puede informar a su compañía de seguros de que tiene representación y darles nuestro nombre e información de contacto. A partir de ese momento, no deberían volver a ponerse en contacto con usted; es la ley. Si no firma con un abogado, como Strong Law, tendrá que hablar con él y representarse a sí mismo para resolver su lesión. Instamos encarecidamente a no hacerlo; las compañías de seguros están capacitadas para garantizar sus mejores intereses por encima de los suyos.

¿Cuáles son las razones más comunes por las que se deniega el seguro por lesiones?


Asegúrese de recibir tratamiento médico lo antes posible después de un accidente; de lo contrario, el seguro podría argumentar que su dolor se debe a un incidente no relacionado. Las compañías de seguros harán todo lo posible por encontrar alguna prueba de que el accidente fue culpa suya. No se deje intimidar. Si tiene afecciones médicas preexistentes que lo hacen más propenso a sufrir una lesión, no es raro que las agencias de seguros rechacen las reclamaciones por este motivo.

¿Cuánto tiempo lleva resolver un caso?


Depende de muchos factores, como la atención médica, las necesidades futuras, las pruebas, la prueba de responsabilidad y muchos otros. Algunos casos llevan meses, mientras que otros pueden durar un par de años. En última instancia, nuestro objetivo es representarlo y lo que será mejor para usted a largo plazo.

¿Por qué los casos pueden durar años?


Porque la ley lo dicta. Hay muchos niveles para garantizar que las compañías de seguros lo traten con una atención óptima. Por ejemplo, dedicarás tiempo a los tratamientos médicos que puedas necesitar. Hay tiempo para recopilar los informes médicos necesarios y descubrir cualquier impacto a largo plazo que esta lesión pueda tener en su vida actual y futura. Hay tiempo para que la otra parte revise nuestras demandas, investigue y también responda. Puede parecer mucho tiempo, pero cumplimos con la ley y elaboramos estrategias para obtener el mejor beneficio para usted. Estamos con usted todo el tiempo.

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